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Field studies

figure, tablereferencevariablelocationareapositionperiod (YYY1M1-YYY2M2)mosquito speciesnote
Abeku et al. 2004 (fig. 2) CMCwUgandaMparo1°10'S, 30°02'E199510-200410-z(Mparo)=2128
Appawu et al. 2004 (fig. 3) EIR, RRmGhanaKassena Nankana district10°30'-11°N, 1°-1°30'W200106-200205Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestusirrigated, lowland, rocky areas
Awolola et al. 2002 (fig. ) HBRm, RRmNigeriaLagos coast6°27'N, 3°24'E200001-200012Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, Anopheles melas, moucheti, arabiensis-
Awolola et al. 2002 (tab. 3) CSPRa, EIRaNigeriaLagos coast6°27'N, 3°24'E200001-200012Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, Anopheles melas, moucheti, arabiensis-
Binka et al. 1994 (fig. 1) MALDm, RRmGhanaKassena Nankana district10°30'-11°N, 1°-1°30'W199010-199109--
Binka et al. 1994 (fig. 2) FEVPRwGhanaKassena Nankana district10°30'-11°N, 1°-1°30'W199010-199109--
Bockarie et al. 1994 (fig. 1) indoor resting densities, RRmSierra LeoneNengbema, Mendewa, Nyandeyama, Njala-Komboyasee Bockarie et al (1993a); - ,(8°10'N, 11°29'W), -, -199001-199104Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, Anopheles funestusz(Mendewa)=306, z(Njala-Komboya)>300
Bockarie et al. 1994 (fig. 3) HBRd, RRmSierra Leone2 villages in Bo districtsee Bockarie et al (1993a); - , -199001-199104Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto??high/low altitude villages
Bockarie et al. 1994 (fig. 4) EIRdSierra Leone4 villages in Bo districtsee Bockarie et al (1993a); - , -, - , -199001-199104Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto??mean of high/low altitude villages
Boudin et al. 1991a (fig. 1) EIRd, PRm, gametocytes densityBurkina FasoBobo-Dioulasso11°12'N, 4°18'W198501-198602-savanna area
Boudin et al. 1991a (fig. 2) EIRd, PRm, gametocytes densityBurkina FasoBobo-Dioulasso11°12'N, 4°18'W198501-198602-rice field area
Boudin et al. 1991b (fig. 1) anopheline density, parity rate, EIRdBurkina FasoKarangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198501-198602Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nilivillage savanne, irrigated rice; age groups
Boudin et al. 1991b (fig. 2) parasite densities per monthBurkina FasoKarangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198501-198602-village savanne, irrigated rice; age groups
Boudin et al. 1991b (tab. 1) CSPRmBurkina FasoKarangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198501-198602Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nilirice field area
Boudin et al. 1991b (tab. 3) PRmBurkina FasoKarangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198501-198602Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nilirice field area
Boudin et al. 1992 (fig. 1) EIRd, parasite densities per monthBurkina FasoBobo-Dioulasso11°12'N, 4°18'W198501-198602-village savanne, irrigated rice; age groups
Boudin et al. 1992 (fig. 2) infection rate, recovery rate per monthBurkina FasoBobo-Dioulasso11°12'N, 4°18'W198501-198602-village savanne, irrigated rice; age groups
Briet 2002 (fig. 1) HBRd, proportion of parous femalesCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro7°44'N, 5°06'W199101-199211Anopheles gambiae sensu lato-
Briet 2002 (fig. 2) mosquito birth rate, birth rate minus mortality rateCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro6°53'N, 4°30'W199101-199211Anopheles gambiae sensu latopd can be calculated by the means of the mortality rate, pd=exp(-mortality rate)
Cohuet et al. 2004 (fig. 1) RRm, HBRdCameroonNkoteng4°30'N, 12°03'E199902-200010Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato-
Cohuet et al. 2004 (tab. 2) CSPRmCameroonNkoteng4°30'N, 12°03'E199902-200010Anopheles funestus, Anopheles gambiae sensu lato-
Dietz et al. 1974 (fig. 4) HBRd, VCNigeriaKano State12°N, 8°30E197011-197111Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus-
Dolo et al. 2004b (fig. 2) EIRdMaliNiono district14°15'N, 6°00'Wmonthly averages for 199509-199802Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusirrigated and non-irrigated villages
Dossantos et al. 2004 (fig. 1) HBRd, RRmBrasilSao Paulo24°30'S, 27°50'W199605-200006Anopheles albitarsis sensu lato-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1995 (fig. 1) HBRm, RRmCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro7°44'N, 5°06'W<199101-199212span style=font-style:italic>Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1995 (fig. 3) monthly averaged EIRdCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro7°44'N, 5°06'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1995 (tab. 2) parous rates, pd per month,CSPRmCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro7°44'N, 5°06'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1995 (tab. 3) seasonal EIR, HBR, CSPRCôte d'IvoireAlloukoukro7°44'N, 5°06'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 1) study siteCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W--including rice areas
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 2) RRmCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiae-
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 3) HBRd, parity ratioCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiaelowland areas of Kennedy and Sokoura
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 4) HBRd, parity ratioCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiaeareas of rice irrigation
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 5) EIRdCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiaelowland areas of Kennedy and Sokoura
Dossou-Yovo et al. 1998 (fig. 6) EIRdCôte d'IvoirBouaké7°41'N, 5°02'W199101-199212Anopheles gambiaeareas of rice irrigation
El Sayed et al. 2000 (tab. 1) HBRdSudanKhartoum15°35'N, 32°32'E199510-199612Anopheles arabiensis2 villages
Faye et al. 1993 (fig. 1) study sitesSenegalDiomandou, Toulde Galle 16°34'N, 14°39'W199006-199111-study took place at an irrigated rice field as well as 1 and 5 km away
Faye et al. 1993 (tab. 1) averaged HBRdSenegalDiomandou, Toulde Galle 16°34'N, 14°39'W199006-199111Anopheles gambiae sensu latothe study took place at an irrigated rice field as well as 1 and 5 km away
Faye et al. 1993 (tab. 2) averaged HBRdSenegalDiomandou, Toulde Galle 16°34'N, 14°39'W199006-199111Anopheles gambiae sensu latothe study took place at an irrigated rice field as well as 1 and 5 km away
Fontenille et al. 1997a (fig. 1) map of the study areaSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W---
Fontenille et al. 1997a (fig. 3) RRm, Tmin, Tmax, HBRd, EIRmSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199204-199503Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestuscan be used for LMM validation; Dielmo is situated on the marshy bank of a small permanent stream that permits the persistence of anophline larval development sites year round.
Fontenille et al. 1997a (tab. 3) EIRaSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199204-199503Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated on the marshy bank of a small permanent stream that permits the persistence of anophline larval development sites year round.
Fontenille et al. 1997a (tab. 4) EIR4mSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199204-199503Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated on the marshy bank of a small permanent stream that permits the persistence of anophline larval development sites year round.
Fontenille et al. 1997b (fig. 1) map of the study areaSenegalNdiop13°41'N, 16°23'W---
Fontenille et al. 1997b (fig. 2) RRm, Tmin, Tmax, HBRd, EIRmSenegalNdiop13°41'N, 16°23'W199305-199612Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestusused for LMM validation
Fontenille et al. 1997b (tab. 3) CSPRmSenegalNdiop13°41'N, 16°23'W199305-199612Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles arabiensis, Anopheles funestuswooded svannah area
Garrett-Jones and Shidrawi 1969 (fig. ) MOSQmNigeriaKankiya12°33'N, 7°50'E196705-196712Anopheles gambiae-
Githeko et al. 2001 (fig. 1) INCmKenyaKisii district0°41'S, 34°46'E199601-199912-z(Kisii)=1798
Githeko et al. 2001 (fig. 5) INCm, monthly Tmin and Tmax anomaliesKenyaKakamega0°17'N, 34°47'E199701-199912-z(Kakamega)=1524; the malaria cases are from the Mukumu hospital (unknown location)
Githeko et al. 2001 (fig. 7) INCmKenyaKakamega0°17'N, 34°47'E199701-199912-z(Kakamega)=1524; the malaria cases are from the Mukumu hospital (unknown location)
Greenwood et al. 1987 (fig. 3) FEVPRm, parasitaemia ratioGambiaFarafenni area13°42'N, 15°36'W198204-198303-children under 7 years
Hagmann et al. 2003 (fig. 1) study areaPrincipe-1°35'N, 7°25'E199905-199908--
Hagmann et al. 2003 (fig. 3) FEVPR5dPrincipe-1°35'N, 7°25'E199905-199908--
Hamad et al. 2002 (fig. 1) number of immature mosquitoes, RRm, MOSQm, Tmax, Tmin, RH, NDVImSudanAsar, Daraweesh, Gedaref(13°45'N, 35°15'E), (14°15'N, 35°30'E), (14°02'N, 35°24'E)199404-199510Anopheles arabiensiscan be used for LMM validation
Hamad et al. 2002 (fig. 2) parasite rate, NDVIm, MOSQmSudanAsar, Daraweesh, Gedaref(13°45'N, 35°15'E), (14°15'N, 35°30'E), (14°02'N, 35°24'E)199404-199510Anopheles arabiensiscan be used for LMM validation
Hamad et al. 2002 (fig. 3) CMCm, MOSQmSudanAsar, Daraweesh, Gedaref(13°45'N, 35°15'E), (14°15'N, 35°30'E), (14°02'N, 35°24'E)199404-199510Anopheles arabiensiscan be used for LMM validation
Hay et al. 1998b (fig. 1) CMCmKenyaKilifi, Siaya(3°38'S, 39°51'E), (0°04'N, 34°17'E)monthly averages for 199001-199412-monthly percentages of the total annual malaria cases
Hay et al. 2000b (fig. ) locations according to EIRa dataAfrica--after 1980--
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1a) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesBenin, Burkina Faso--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1b) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesBurkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1c) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesCameroon, Congo, Côte d'Ivoire, Egypt, The Gambia--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1d) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesThe Gambia, Kenya, Madagascar, Mozambique, Senegal--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1e) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesSenegal, Sierra Leone--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 1f) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesSierra Leone, Tanzania--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 2) EIRa, CSPR, HBRa, malaria season, transmission by mosquito speciesTanzania--after 1980Anopheles gambiae sensu lato : Anopheles funestus : other speciesindicated are also the land use, study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2000b (tab. 3) variance in EIRa valuesBurkina Faso, Kenya, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, The Gambia, all Africa--after 1980--
Hay et al. 2001 (fig. 1) CMCmKenyaWajir, Kericho(1°45'N, 40°04'E), (0°22'S, 35°17'E)monthly averages for 199101-199812 and 196501-199812-adults, children; z(Kericho)=2096
Hay et al. 2001 (fig. 2) RRm, CMCm, predicted CMCmKenyaWajir1°45'N, 40°04'E199101-199812--
Hay et al. 2001 (fig. 3) CMCm, detrended CMCm, spectral density of CMCmKenyaKericho0°22'S, 35°17'E196504-199812-z(Kericho)=2096
Hay et al. 2002b (fig. 1) CMCm, adult:child ratios per monthKenyaKilgoris, Kisii, Tabaka(1°00'S, 34°53'E), (0°41'S, 34°46'E), (0°43'S, 34°43'E˜)198001-199912, 198701-200012 and 198101-200012-adults, children; z(Kilgoris)=1828, z(Kisii)=1798, z(Tabaka)>1600˜
Hay et al. 2002b (fig. 2) CMCmKenyaKilgoris, Kisii, Tabaka(1°00'S, 34°53'E), (0°41'S, 34°46'E), (0°43'S, 34°43'E˜)198001-199912, 198701-200012 and 198101-200012-children under 15 years; z(Kilgoris)=1828, z(Kisii)=1798, z(Tabaka)>1600˜
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2a) EIRa, PRBenin, Burkina Faso--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2b) EIRa, PRBurkina Faso--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2c) EIRa, PRBurkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2d) EIRa, PRCameroon, Congo, Cô d'Ivoir, Egypt, Equatorial Guinea--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2e) EIRa, PREquatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Gabon, The Gambia--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2f) EIRa, PRThe Gambia, Ghana, Kenya--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2g) EIRa, PRKenya--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2h) EIRa, PRKenya, Liberia--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2i) EIRa, PRLiberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mozambique, Niger, Senegal--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2k) EIRa, PRSierra Leone, Sudan, Tanzania--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2l) EIRa, PRSenegal, Sierra Leone--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2l) EIRa, PRTanzania--after 1980-indicated are also the land use, location of the study site and the reference
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2m) references 1-26------
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2n) references 27-51------
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2o) references 52-78------
Hay et al. 2005a (tab. S2p) references 79-97------
Henry et al. 2003 (fig. 4) EIRd, CMCdCôte d'Ivoir24 (8 for each category) villages in northern Côte d'Ivoirabout 9°00'-10°00'N, 5°00'-6°00'W199612-199802-R0=no rice cultivation, R1=rice cropping during rainy season, R2=rice water control cropping; children
Hoshen and Morse 2004 (fig. 6) CMC??, RRm, LMM-INC??ZimbabweHwange18°22'S, 26°29'E199601-199912-can be used for LMM validation; z(Hwange)=784
Konate et al. 1994 (fig. 1) HBRmSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199004-199203Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated at a small river, that enabels year around larval sites
Konate et al. 1994 (fig. 6) EIRm for different malaria parasitesSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199004-199203Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated at a small river, that enabels year around larval sites
Konate et al. 1994 (tab. 2) CSPR differentiated for the rainy and dry seasonSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199004-199203Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated at a small river, that enabels year around larval sites
Konate et al. 1994 (tab. 3) entomological parameters, e.g. pdSenegalDielmo13°45'N, 16°25'W199004-199203Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusDielmo is situated at a small river, that enabels year around larval sites
Koudou et al. 2005 (tab. 3) HBRmCôte d'IvoireZatta, Tié,mé,lé,kro(6°53'N, 5°23'W), (6°30N, 4°10W)200202-200308Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusZatta: rice irrigation; Tié,mé,lé,kro: market gardening
Koudou et al. 2005 (tab. 4) CSPRmCôte d'IvoireZatta, Tiémélékro(6°53'N, 5°23'W), (6°30N, 4°10W)200202-200308Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusZatta: rice irrigation; Tiémélékro: market gardening-
Koudou et al. 2005 (tab. 6) EIRdCôte d'IvoireZatta, Tiémélékro(6°53'N, 5°23'W), (6°30N, 4°10W)200202-200308Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusZatta: rice irrigation; Tiémélékro: market gardening-
Magesa et al. 1991 (fig. 1) MOSQ3mTanzaniaMlingano, Umba, Mng'aza, Kumbamtoni, Mindu(5°04'S, 38°55'E), 5°10'S, 38°'52E), see Njunwa et al. 1991, (5°17'S, 38°50'E), (5°24'S, 38°57'E)198701-198912Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Culex quinquefasciatus-
Malakooti et al. 1998 (fig. 2) CMCm, Tm, Tmin,m, Tmax,mKenyaKericho0°22'S, 35°17'E199001-199801-used for LMM validation
Malakooti et al. 1998 (fig. 3) CMCm, RRm, TmKenyaKericho0°22'S, 35°17'E199008-199801-used for LMM validation
Malakooti et al. 1998 (fig. 4) CMCm, MALDKenyaKericho0°22'S, 35°17'E199102-199802-used for LMM validation
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 10) HBR14dNigeriaRafin Marke12°29'N, 9°02'E197011-197310Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusspraying in 1972 and 1973
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 11) HBR14dNigeriaSugungum12°20'N, 8°58'E197011-197310Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusspraying in 1972 and 1973
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 19) MOSQ, HBRd, RRmNigeriaRafin Marke, Nasakar (12°29'N, 9°02'E), (12°28'N, 9°07'E)197105-197512-1974 and 1975 after spraying
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 20) PR, parasite densityNigeriaGarky district12°26'N, 9°11'E197001-197212--
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 3) RR14d, Tmin,14d, Tmax,14d, RHmin,14d, RHmax,14dNigeriaGarki district12°26'N, 9°11'E197111-197211--
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 68) MALD10wNigeriaGarki district12°26'N, 9°11'E197001-197312-no malaria control
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 7) HBRdNigeriaKwaru12°22'N, 8°54'E197011-197310Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 8) MOSQ14dNigeriaKwaru12°22'N, 8°54'E197011-197310Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestusfemales per hut
Molineaux and Gramiccia 1980 (fig. 9) MOSQ14d, RRdNigeriaAjura12°29'N, 8°56'E197503-197511Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Patz et al. 1998 (fig. 1) HBRw, Tmin,w, RRwKenyaKisian, Kisumu(0°06'S, 34°40'E), (0°06'S, 34°45'E)198604-198805Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestusmight be used for LMM validation; permanent larval habitats, including papyrus swamps, occur in proximity to Lake Victoria; z(Kisumu)=1146, Kisumu Airport is located 5 km away from the study site
Robert et al. 1985 (fig. 1) RRmBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W) 198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus-
Robert et al. 1985 (fig. 2) HBRmBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W)198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus areas: Soudanian-savannah (traditional), swampland, rice irrigation
Robert et al. 1985 (fig. 3) monthly averaged EIRdBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W) 198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus areas: Soudanian-savannah (traditional), swampland, rice irrigation
Robert et al. 1985 (tab. 1) HBRaBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W)198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus areas: Soudanian-savannah (traditional), swampland, rice irrigation
Robert et al. 1985 (tab. 2) CSPRaBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W)198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus areas: Soudanian-savannah (traditional), swampland, rice irrigation
Robert et al. 1985 (tab. 3) EIRaBurkina FasoDandé, Tago, Kongodjan, Vallée du Kou(11°35'N, 4°34'W), (12°58'N, 2°38'W), (10°54'N, 5°01'W), (11°28'N, 4°18'W)198301-198412Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus areas: Soudanian-savannah (traditional), swampland, rice irrigation
Robert et al. 1988 (fig. 2) HBRdBurkina Faso Karangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198502-198602Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nilican be used for LMM validation
Robert et al. 1988 (fig. 4) HBRd, EIRdBurkina Faso Karangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198502-198602Anopheles gambiae, Anopheles funestus, Anopheles nilican be used for LMM validation
Robert et al. 1988 (tab. 1) RRm, TmBurkina Faso Karangasso11°13'N, 4°38'W198501-198512-can be used for LMM validation
Sissoko et al. 2004 (fig. 1) PRMaliNiono district14°15'N, 6°00'W199509-199804-Ténégué, Tissana and Niessoumana are located in the irrigated zone; children from 0-14 years
Sissoko et al. 2004 (fig. 3) FEVPRdMaliNiono district14°15'N, 6°00'W199610-199710-Ténégué is located in the irrigated zone; children up to 14 years
Sissoko et al. 2004 (fig. 4) FEVPRd, EIRdMaliNiono district14°15'N, 6°00'W199609-199710-Ténégué is located in the irrigated zone; children up to 14 years
Smith et al. 1995 (fig. 2) MOSQdTanzaniaNamawala8°09'S, 36°24'E199001-199012Anopheles gambiae sensu lato, Anopheles funestus-
Thomson et al. 1999 (fig. 2) NDVI10d, MOSQ10d, EIR10dThe GambiaJahally13.33'N, 14.54'W199206-199211Anopheles gambiae sensu lato-
Velema et al. 1991 (fig. 2) FEVPRmBeninPahou6°23'N, 2°13'E198904-198912Anopheles gambiae sensu stricto, Anopheles melasin the dry season malaria transmission is mainly maintained by Anopheles melas
Vercruysse 1985 (fig. 1) HBRmSenegalPikine14°45'N, 17°24'W198112-198212Anopheles arabiensispresence of swamps; mosquito age groups (P,NP1 and NP2)
Vercruysse et al. 1983 (tab. 1) monthly HBRd, CSPRm, monthly pd,monthly EIRdSenegalPikine14°45'N, 17°24'W197912-198012Anopheles arabiensisswamps dry out during the dry season
Worral et al. 2007 (fig. 2) CMC14d??Zimbabwe Hwange district18°22'S, 26°29'E199401-199803-might be useful for LMM validation


position taken from
˜position roughly rated from Fig. 2 in Hay et al. (2002c)
position roughly rated from information provided by Patz et al. (1998)
position of the meteorological station
that is the position of Sapu, located in the vicinity of Jahally
position roughly rated from Fig. 1 in Molineaux and Gramiccia (1980)
position taken from Hay et al. (2005a)